Annual leave request

Rizwan Bhatti
123 Mainstreet, springfield Anytown

subject: Annual leave request

Dear Rizwan Bhatti,
i would like to officially inform you regarding my absence from office for 3 weeks.
i am leaving to take care of a personal family problem. i would be going to the company in order
to avail my annual leave allowance provided by the company.
i have sufficient hours accumilated to cover this time off.

i am moving on 1st march and returning on 14 march.

in the meantime, i have discussed my request with my collegues and my tasks will be taken care by
Aliza Naveed in my absense who will be sumbitting the weekly reports to you on regular intervals.i am avalible on phone
030987654321 and email, in case you need to contact me for important questions.

i hope you will consider my request and grant me leaves for the above mentioned dates.

if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. looking forward to your approval.

yours sincerly,

Minahil Naeem